
The Impacts

Market structures, regulations & policies to reduce PHL; Technologies to reduce PHL

App generated product & price data; magnify value chain efficiency

Decrease PHL in fruits, vegetables & fish; Cost-effectiveness of innovation bundle

Training on improved PH practices; Income Generating Activities for women & youth

Market structures, regulations & policies to reduce PHL; Technologies to reduce PHL

The project aims to provide a thorough understanding of the market structures, regulations, policies, and technologies currently used in the post-harvest stages of the value chains for fruits, vegetables, and fish. This analysis will identify the challenge within the existing institutional framework, which will enable the development of new policies to overcome post-harvest and nutritional loss.

Decrease PHL in fruits, vegetables & fish; Cost-effectiveness of innovation bundle

The most crucial outputs of the study will be the co-creation of storage, packaging, and cooling of innovation bundle as a solution for the reduction of huge PHL across the value chains of fruits, vegetables, and fish. Along with the co-creation of the innovation bundle, it is also imperative to investigate the economic feasibility of the bundle.  The cost-effectiveness of the selected innovation bundle will be assessed in terms of costs of the technical interventions and the obtained return per unit of product. The project adopts a comprehensive approach to evaluating the cost-effectiveness of implementing the post-harvest loss (PHL) innovation bundle, which includes both the scientific and human aspects of nutrition. The research will provide data on post-harvest and nutrition loss of fruits, vegetables, and fish at producer, retail, and wholesale market. Especially the quantity of PHL and nutritional compositions like carbohydrates, protein, total fat, saturated fat, sugars, and sodium will be evaluated. Results and data from this study will support science-based decisions on the most effective methods and key actors/locations to intervene to reduce post-harvest and nutritional loss of fruits, vegetables, and fish in the formal and informal markets of Bangladesh.

App generated product & price data; magnify value chain efficiency

The financial feasibility of the innovation bundle will be estimated given the time value of money. The possible outcome will help the SME to make decisions on capital investment. Fixed and variable costs and depreciation will be considered for cost calculation, whereas the premium price of the high-quality products, minimization of quantitative and qualitative losses, and the significantly higher price of the stored commodities due to extended storage period and improved quality will be considered during the calculation of return per unit of product. The project aims to create an app that can provide information on product details and prices. This app is expected to improve the effectiveness of the value chain by increasing its efficiency.

Training on improved PH practices; Income Generating Activities for women & youth

There will be thirty-six training programs (24 for farmers, 12 for value chain actors including SMEs) in the project. The curriculum of the training program will be tailored based on the findings from the co-creation of the innovation bundle and cost-effectiveness analysis. Thus, the project will identify and address barriers to the implementation of the most appropriate PH and nutritional loss training and education at BAU. The project will train 450 farmers and value chain actors including SMEs, and 40 officials and laboratory staff in the PHL and nutritional aspects of fruits, vegetables, and fish. The project will collaborate with DAE, and DOF in finding avenues for incorporating the research findings into PH and nutritional policy for fruits, vegetables, and fish in Bangladesh and implementing them. The project aims to enhance the capacity of stakeholders through training and awareness campaigns focused on improving post-harvest practices for perishable goods. It is expected that the project will significantly reduce post-harvest losses, leading to increased food availability, ameliorated consumption, and better nutrition for stakeholders. The project will also provide training to young people and women, empowering them to become entrepreneurs and engage in Income Generating Activities (IGA). Additionally, the project will establish an output market mechanism that will benefit all stakeholders, resulting in a favorable outcome for everyone involved.

Technological interventions and IT-based business model development to reduce postharvest and nutrient loss.


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