The aim of this strategy is to adopt advanced technology to minimize post-harvest losses of perishable agricultural products, both in terms of quantity and nutrient value. A range of technologies have been developed domestically and internationally to tackle this issue. The first step is to compile a list of available innovations, analyze their strengths and […]
Include IT-based Lean business model & App-based (A2M) model
The aim of this objective is to develop an IT-based lean business model to improve post-harvest and distribution management of nutrient-rich agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables, and fish. This will be achieved by creating an app-based platform (A2M) that connects various actors within the supply chain network, including farmers, hub agents, assembly point agents […]
Strengthen capacity of stakeholders & implementation of socio-technical bundles
The capacity strengthening objective of the project aims to promote the adoption of co-created innovation bundles of storage, packaging, and cooling by farmers, value chain actors, and SMEs, with the goal of achieving improved financial and nutritional outcomes. To achieve this objective, the project will conduct two types of training programs. The first training program […]
The impacts of the project
Market structures, regulations & policies to reduce PHL; Technologies to reduce PHL: The project aims to provide a thorough understanding of the market structures, regulations, policies, and technologies currently used in the post-harvest stages of the value chains for fruits, vegetables, and fish. This analysis will identify the challenge within the existing institutional framework, which […]
The outcomes of the project
Improved human & institutional capacities; increase in in profitability & market efficiency of farming in Bangladesh: The project will lead to the co-creation of cost-effective innovation bundles which will be adopted by fruits, vegetables, and fish farmers and value chain actors. Similarly, the project will lead to wider adoption of these recommendations/practices by fruits, vegetables, […]