Today, we inaugurated the training for enumerators involved in the baseline survey for the project on “Upgrading Value Chains of Nutrient-Dense Perishable Agricultural Commodities in Bangladesh: Technological Interventions and IT-Based Business Model Development to Reduce Postharvest and Nutrient Loss.”
The first day of training was attended by 12 graduate and postgraduate students. This is a four-day hands-on training program, which includes pre-testin
g at the field level, role-playing to mimic the interview schedule, and a detailed question-and-answer session for each questionnaire.
The training covers five sets of questionnaires:
- Three sets focus on fruits, vegetables, and small fish to assess postharvest and nutrient losses, the technologies used, and the marketing costs of each actor in the value chain.
- Two sets are dedicated to understanding the app structure for a lean business model—one for fruits and vegetables, and another for fish.
This comprehensive training aims to prepare enumerators for effective data collection and analysis in the field.