The aim of this objective is to develop an IT-based lean business model to improve post-harvest and distribution management of nutrient-rich agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables, and fish. This will be achieved by creating an app-based platform (A2M) that connects various actors within the supply chain network, including farmers, hub agents, assembly point agents (Aratder), supply agents (berapri/paiker), and local market retailers, using network-connected smartphones. The model aims to improve market outreach and streamline the selling process in a more sustainable manner. The use of server-based dynamic applications will connect all stakeholders, including farmers and SMEs, updating each participant with regular supply and demand, and enabling them to place supply and demand orders accordingly. This will facilitate decision-making, minimize risk, and reduce uncertainty in the supply chain network. The goal is to eliminate wastage and redundancies in the process by following the five principles of lean. They are identifying customer value, mapping value stream, creating continuous flow, using pull-based production, and seeking perfection through continuous improvements.