
IT-based Model to
Reduce Postharvest & Nutrient Loss

Project Title: Upgrading value chains of nutrient-dense perishable agricultural commodities in Bangladesh: Technological interventions and IT-based business model development to reduce postharvest and nutrient loss.

The Goal

Developing an enduring and technology-driven business framework for fruits, vegetables, and fish value chains in Bangladesh requires a comprehensive approach that considers the unique characteristics and challenges of each value chain. This framework should include strategies for improving production, transportation, processing, distribution, and marketing, as well as measures for ensuring quality and safety standards. A technology-driven framework should leverage digital tools and platforms to streamline processes and enable data-driven decision-making. To promote efficiency and sustainability in the value chains, new storage, packaging, and cooling methods should be introduced. These methods should be tailored to the specific needs of each value chain and take into account factors such as climate, seasonality, and market demand. Innovative packaging solutions, such as reusable containers or biodegradable materials, could reduce waste and improve the environmental footprint of the value chains. Advanced cooling technologies, such as solar-powered refrigeration, could help mitigate post-harvest losses and increase the shelf life of perishable goods. In addition to these technological solutions, capacity-building programs for stakeholders along the value chains can help ensure the effective adoption and utilization of these methods.

The Impacts

Market structures, regulations & policies to reduce PHL; Technologies to reduce PHL

App generated product & price data; magnify value chain efficiency

Decrease PHL in fruits, vegetables & fish; Cost-effectiveness of innovation bundle

Training on improved PH practices; Income Generating Activities for women & youth


Status: Active

Duration: 2024-2027

Funding: United States Agency of International Development

Country: Bangladesh

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Technological interventions and IT-based business model development to reduce postharvest and nutrient loss.


The Goals


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